Our HSEQ management system is certified according to: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. We also follow our parent company Langset’s Management Systems.

Quality and HSE Policy

AMOF Fjell Process Technology’s Quality and HSE policy forms the basis of proactive Quality and HSE culture and is based on the Zero Philosophy. To ensure our responsibility to our employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders, we are committed to the following:

Quality Policy

  • Deliver our products and service within time and to the correct quality in accordance with customer’s requests and expectations
  • Ensure that all employees are competent and motivated to perform the best for our customers
  • Have tight dialogue and monitor our suppliers to improve our products and services
  • Establish an efficient quality management system to ensure continuous

Health & Safety Poilcy

  • Zero accidents and work related illness.
  • Perform our activities accordance with the government laws and requirements, customer requirements and our own requirements for health and safety.
  • Accidents shall be prevented by managing risk and by learning from our experiences.
  • Ensure employees have good competence and confidence in relation to the tasks performed.
  • Continually strive to ensure that our working environment performance improves.

Environmental Policy

  • Zero accidental spills that could harm the environment in which we operate.
  • Perform our activities accordance with the government laws and requirements, customer requirements and our own requirements for the environment.
  • Perform our work with the least possible impact on the environment and work systematically for the continual improvement of our environmental performance.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

AMOF Fjell Process Technology’s CSR policy is based on four sources; The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s fundamental principles on rights at work, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the ISO 26000 forms the basis of our proactive Quality, HSE and CSR culture and is based on the Zero Philosophy. To ensure our responsibility to our employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders, we are committed to the following:

AMOF Fjell in Society
To contribute within the scope of our capabilities to improving economic, environmental and social conditions through open dialogue with stakeholders and through active participation in common efforts.

Human Rights and Labour Standards
To conduct our business with respect for human rights and internationally accepted labour standards, including conventions and guidelines related to the prevention of child or forced labour, minimum age and salary, working conditions and freedom of association to mention some. Harassment, discrimination or other behavior that may be perceived as threatening or degrading is not acceptable; nor is discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference or any other grounds.

Health and Safety
To provide a safe and healthy working environment at all sites and facilities and to take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health. Safe and positive working conditions promote growth and success both for the employee and for the company.

Equality of opportunity
To provide a safe and healthy working environment at all sites and facilities and to take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health. Safe and positive working conditions promote growth and success both for the employee and for the company.

To establish and maintain appropriate procedures to evaluate and select major suppliers and subcontractors on their ability to meet the requirements of AMOF Fjell’s social policy and principles and to maintain reasonable evidence that these requirements are continuing to be met.

Community Involvemen
To promote and participate in community engagement activities that actively foster economic, environmental, social and educational development, as part of AMOF Fjell’s commitment to the communities where it operates.

Business Ethics
To uphold the highest standards In business ethics and integrity and to support efforts of national and international authorities to establish and enforce high ethical standards for all business.