Amof-Fjell Process Technology AS has designed a test drier installed in a 20ft container. The drier is complete with control system, feed inlet and conveyor for dried product.
Drier has a range of operation options:
- Atmospheric drying
- Drying under vacuum
- Re-circulation of product
The drier is steam driven and can be delivered with a complete separate steam generator in 10ft container.
See datasheet:

Drier is steam driven and can be delivered with a steam generator in 10ft container. Biomass can be processed into dry powder or pellets to be used as fertilizer or as fuel to drive other processes.

The disc dryer is proven to perform well on various raw material such as:
- Whole fish
- Rest material from fish
- Sludge from fish farms
- Munisipal sludge
- Rest raw material from crabs.
- Insects
- Larva and more.
Steam generator
AMOF-Fjell has a 10ft container available for rent or for use with the test dryer. Steam generator has a capacity of 270 kg/h, at 6 bar steam pressure.