Plant startup at Independent Seafood Canada Corparation (ISCC)

Plant startup at Independent Seafood Canada Corparation (ISCC)

AMOF-Fjell to produce fishmeal at first day of commissioning.

AMOF-Fjell delivered a compact fishmeal plant to the trawler F/T Sunderoey in 2020, to Independent Seafood Canada Corparation (ISCC). The trawler was from Prestfjord AS in Sortland, Norway.

Retrofit fishmeal plant
Trawler Sunderoey

Plant has the capacity of handling 48 tons of raw material per 24 hours and is designed and delivered by AMOF-Fjell Process Technology AS. The plant will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil from fish waste and cut-offs.  The contract for the fishmeal plant was placed in May and the completion of delivery January – 2020.
Due to Covid-19, the travel restrictions have delayed the startup of the plant.

AMOF-Fjell are currently doing  commissioning & startup on the fishmeal plant with success. The plant is producing fishmeal at first day of running with raw material.

Komponenter har nå ankommet

AMOF Fjell Process Technology AS har inngått en kontrakt med Norsk Spesialolje AS for levering av et inndampingsanlegg. Anlegget er designet for å oppkonsentrere spillvann ved å fjerne vann, noe som reduserer avfallsmengden i forholdet 12:1. Statusoppdatering:Komponenter har nå ankommet anleggsstedet og er klare for installasjon. Vi vil takke alle involverte aktører for en solid innsats med innheisingen av utstyret.

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Production follow up

It’s incredibly rewarding to see equipment go from the drawing board and simulation models to fully manufactured components.This equipment will be part of an energy-efficient evaporation plant, helping to reduce energy consumption in industrial processes. Looking forward to delivery to the customer and the start of construction!

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Startup and commissioning of our dryer and energy recovery system for sludge treatment

We are pleased to share that we are working on startup and commissioning of our dryer and energy recovery system for sludge treatment.The Disc Dryer AF-TD-170+ is a robust and energy-efficient solution, designed to handle even the most challenging products with reliability and efficiency. This marks another step forward in providing effective and sustainable solutions in sludge handling.

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Arrived in Rjukan, Norway

Our dryers have arrived in Rjukan and are ready to be unwrapped! The dryers will serve in a sludge treatment process, to dry and sanitize the sludge, and the final product will be used as organic fertilizer in agriculture. Excess energy from the heating process will be used to heat the building, making an extremely energy-efficient facility. 🌏 ♨

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Containerbased test dryer

Can help contribute to sustainable salmon feed?🌊🌿♻️ We believe it can. Our containerbased test dryer and team is currently on this mission. Macroalgae have the potential to be a protein source in both food and animal feed, yet this resource remains underutilized in our country. As the global population grows, so does the demand for protein. This has led to increasing interest in cultivating and wild-harvesting kelp for food and animal feed. Kelp offers many valuable ingredients, including protein, which could be used in salmon feed. Currently, salmon farming heavily relies on soy protein, but kelp presents a promising, sustainable

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This week we have partnered up with Optimar and Pure Salmon Technology for a whole week program to visit potential customers in Turkey. It has been a great week and our partner OCTOAQUA have done a great job🤩

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